Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification

Course Benefits
  • Proven, hands-on, self-paced approach to learning that includes not only video lessons of actual live classroom sessions, but also the use of the many resources available in Mountain Home’s online Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Learning Resource Center (LRC).

  • Latest information on enterprise and process performance improvement trends, concepts, and implementation strategies.

  • Up-to-date reference/course materials.

  • Apply a proven, structured approach to Lean Six Sigma.

  • Presenters with actual experience in the area of Lean manufacturing, Six Sigma process analysis, and business process management.

  • Each student will receive lifetime, unlimited access to Mountain Home’s very popular Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Learning Resource Center (LRC).

Practical Problem Solving

Welcome and thanks so much for stopping by to check out Mountain Home’s Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt online course.

Every day thousands of people, just like you, begin Lean Six Sigma projects. Many of those projects will either never be completed or won’t result in the level of performance gains the organization had hoped for. One of the major reasons is a lack of “REAL” and practical Lean Six Sigma Team preparation.

Most teams attend some form of training, and even some receive Lean Six Sigma Green Belt or Black Belt certification. However, most of this training is more theoretical than practical, and in today’s every changing world, not the least of which is the creation of a ‘New Normal’ as we emerge from the global COVID-19 pandemic, a practical approach is what we all need!

In an attempt to help businesses, government agencies, and individuals, weather this time of profound uncertainty, we wanted to do something PRACTICAL and certainly unheard of in our industry.  We are offering currently our complete Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Yellow Belt training course at no cost to you!

That’s a $595 value!!

  • Price: Free

  • Location: Live!Online Virtual Classroom
